When it comes time to request a car insurance quote, you have one thing on your mind: finding a company that provides high quality coverage at an affordable price.
While this may be your primary goal, don’t stop short of asking the many questions that may be floating around your mind.
Below are five overlooked questions to ask when requesting a car insurance quote. Once you have answers to these questions, you will better understand the industry as a whole, the policy you are being quoted for, and whether or not it makes sense to purchase:
• What is the difference between the limited tort and full tort option?
• Are you able to offer any discounts, such as those for a membership in a particular group?
• If I need to contact a representative to make a claim, what are my options for doing so?
• What is gap coverage, and do I need it?
• What happens if my situation changes, such as buying a new vehicle or moving to another state?
These types of questions will give you a clear idea of what a particular policy has to offer. While you may be most interested in the cost and coverage, it is important to pay attention to these types of details as well.
You should never shy away from asking questions when requesting a car insurance quote. A company that truly wants to do business with you is one that is more than willing to answer your questions, whatever they may be.