Cost of rice?
- Postman
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Replied by Postman on topic In our country the price
- alpha
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Replied by alpha on topic I think we're already seeing
- Scribes
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Replied by Scribes on topic I did happen to read
- scribbler
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Replied by scribbler on topic I'm not so sure we
I'm not so sure we should be laughing at this scenario.
My husband's been saying the same thing for months now. It'll take something major happening to get people to realize it could well be a reality though. Did you see the National Conference of State Legislatures report earlier in the week saying that many states are already in recession even if it's not national yet? Scary times indeed.
Stock up folks, because gas and food prices are just going to keep on rising in my humble opinion.
- Scribes
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Replied by Scribes on topic That's it, I am tired
That's it, I am tired of laughing, I am too big for hiccups! Good night scribes!
I'm not so sure we should be laughing at this scenario.

- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic That's it, I am tired

- Scribes
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Replied by Scribes on topic You know what? Now that
You know what? Now that you mentioned backroads, I think they have those on the way to Modesto which is 90 miles east of San Francisco, also some on the way to Sacramento which is the same distance but north of San Franicsco. Hummm, that is somehting to think about but, with gas prices being so high, I look crazy putting $60 bucks in my car to get some discounted fruits and vegetables.
Yeah, it's funny you mention that, because I was thinking to myself "Wait a minute, I forgot to factor in the cost of gas. Okay, $100." LOL. That does it... I might not get a new car -- I might get a moped instead. Who cares if I can't go on the highway anyway?

- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic You know what? Now that

- Scribes
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Replied by Scribes on topic We have excellent farmers markets
Neither does ours. But I have seen them given out at local churches and other places that offer free food handouts for the community.We have excellent farmers markets but they don't include those kind of basic things like rice
Just visit a backroads area out in the country, along a busy road, and you'll come across a fruit/veggie stand eventually. Here in Cleveland, if you go about 20 miles southwest where the hicks all hang out, there's a stretch of open road called Route 113. On that road, you can pretty much buy about $500 worth of fruits/veggies for $50 bucks in the course of 5 miles. Do the math. Or not... lol

- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic We have excellent farmers markets
Neither does ours. But I have seen them given out at local churches and other places that offer free food handouts for the community.We have excellent farmers markets but they don't include those kind of basic things like rice
- alpha
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Replied by alpha on topic I agree that farmers market
- Scribes
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Replied by Scribes on topic Sophie has the right idea.

- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic I like steamed white rice
- Pinkee
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Replied by Pinkee on topic I'm suddenly hearing a lot
I'm suddenly hearing a lot of news stories about the big stores, like Costco, restricting the amount of rice people can buy. And the prices are going up. This makes a problem for people who run small food carts -- we have a lot of those where they serve bentos which all have rice. Are you seeing this where you are?
Yes I am. I live in the Philippines and the rice shortage has been a problem. The prices have significantly increased.

- alpha
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