Super Finance Glossary
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Yankee Bonds
Definition: Foreign bonds denominated in U.S. dollars and issued in the United States by foreign banks and corporations. These bonds are usually registered with the SEC. Such as, bonds issued by originators with roots in Japan are called Samurai bonds.
Definition: Foreign bonds denominated in U.S. dollars and issued in the United States by foreign banks and corporations. These bonds are usually registered with the SEC. Such as, bonds issued by originators with roots in Japan are called Samurai bonds.
Yankee CD
Definition: A CD issued in the domestic market, typically New York, by a branch of a foreign bank.
Definition: A CD issued in the domestic market, typically New York, by a branch of a foreign bank.
Definition: Slang for one billion currency units. Used particularly in currency trading, e.g., for Japanese yen since one billion yen equals approximately US$10 million. It is clearer to say, "I'm a buyer of a yard of yen," than to say, "I'm a buyer of a billion yen," which could be misheard as "I'm a buyer of a million yen."
Definition: Slang for one billion currency units. Used particularly in currency trading, e.g., for Japanese yen since one billion yen equals approximately US$10 million. It is clearer to say, "I'm a buyer of a yard of yen," than to say, "I'm a buyer of a billion yen," which could be misheard as "I'm a buyer of a million yen."
Year-end Dividend
Definition: A special dividend declared at the end of a fiscal year that usually represents distribution of higher-than-expected company profits.
Definition: A special dividend declared at the end of a fiscal year that usually represents distribution of higher-than-expected company profits.
Year-to-date (YTD)
Definition: The period beginning at the start of the calendar year up to the current date.
Definition: The period beginning at the start of the calendar year up to the current date.
Yellow Sheets
Definition: Sheets published by the National Quotation Bureau that detail bid and ask prices, plus those firms that are making a market in over-the-counter corporate bonds.
Definition: Sheets published by the National Quotation Bureau that detail bid and ask prices, plus those firms that are making a market in over-the-counter corporate bonds.
Definition: The percentage return paid on a stock in the form of dividends, or the effective rate of interest paid on a bond or note.
Definition: The percentage return paid on a stock in the form of dividends, or the effective rate of interest paid on a bond or note.
Yield Advantage
Definition: The advantage gained by purchasing convertible securities instead of common stock, which equals the difference between the rates of return of the convertible security and the common shares.
Definition: The advantage gained by purchasing convertible securities instead of common stock, which equals the difference between the rates of return of the convertible security and the common shares.
Yield Burning
Definition: A municipal bond financing method. Underwriters in advance refundings add large markups on US Treasury bonds bought and held in escrow to compensate investors while waiting for repayment of old bonds after issuance of the new bonds. Since bond prices and yields move in opposite directions, when the bonds are marked up, they "burn down" the yield, which may violate federal tax rules and diminishes tax revenues.
Definition: A municipal bond financing method. Underwriters in advance refundings add large markups on US Treasury bonds bought and held in escrow to compensate investors while waiting for repayment of old bonds after issuance of the new bonds. Since bond prices and yields move in opposite directions, when the bonds are marked up, they "burn down" the yield, which may violate federal tax rules and diminishes tax revenues.
Yield Curb
Definition: Applies mainly to convertible securities. Difference in current yield between the convertible and the underlying common.
Definition: Applies mainly to convertible securities. Difference in current yield between the convertible and the underlying common.
Yield Curve
Definition: The graphic depiction of the relationship between the yield on bonds of the same credit quality but different maturities. Related: Term structure of interest rates. Harvey (1991) finds that the inversions of the yield curve (short-term rates greater than long term rates) have preceded the last five US recessions. The yield curve can accurately forecast the turning points of the business cycle.
Definition: The graphic depiction of the relationship between the yield on bonds of the same credit quality but different maturities. Related: Term structure of interest rates. Harvey (1991) finds that the inversions of the yield curve (short-term rates greater than long term rates) have preceded the last five US recessions. The yield curve can accurately forecast the turning points of the business cycle.
Yield Curve Option-pricing Models
Definition: Models that can incorporate different volatility assumptions along the yield curve, such as the Black-Derman-Toy model. Also called arbitrage-free option-pricing models.
Definition: Models that can incorporate different volatility assumptions along the yield curve, such as the Black-Derman-Toy model. Also called arbitrage-free option-pricing models.
Yield Curve Strategies
Definition: Investments that position a portfolio to capitalize on expected changes in the shape of the Treasury yield curve.
Definition: Investments that position a portfolio to capitalize on expected changes in the shape of the Treasury yield curve.
Yield Differential/pickup
Definition: Mainly applies to convertible securities. Graph showing the term structure of interest rates by plotting the yield of all bonds of the same quality with maturities ranging from the shortest to the longest available.
Definition: Mainly applies to convertible securities. Graph showing the term structure of interest rates by plotting the yield of all bonds of the same quality with maturities ranging from the shortest to the longest available.
Yield Equivalence
Definition: The interest rate at which a tax-exempt bond and a taxable security of similar quality give the investor the same rate of return.
Definition: The interest rate at which a tax-exempt bond and a taxable security of similar quality give the investor the same rate of return.