Super Finance Glossary
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Value-added Tax
Definition: Tax added onto a product during each step of production, from raw material to finished good.
Definition: Tax added onto a product during each step of production, from raw material to finished good.
Value-at-risk Model (VaR)
Definition: Procedure for estimating the probability of portfolio losses exceeding some specified proportion based on a statistical analysis of historical market price trends, correlations, and volatilities.
Definition: Procedure for estimating the probability of portfolio losses exceeding some specified proportion based on a statistical analysis of historical market price trends, correlations, and volatilities.
Definition: A way of reporting fund performance whereby each reporting period is indexed at 100 or 1000. Hence, for a fund with a total return of 39% over the year, the VAMI indexed at 100 is 139.
Definition: A way of reporting fund performance whereby each reporting period is indexed at 100 or 1000. Hence, for a fund with a total return of 39% over the year, the VAMI indexed at 100 is 139.
Vancouver Stock Exchange (VSE)
Definition: A securities and options exchange in Vancouver, British Columbia, (Canada), specializing in venture capital companies.
Definition: A securities and options exchange in Vancouver, British Columbia, (Canada), specializing in venture capital companies.
Definition: An element in a model. For example, in the model RS&Pt+1 = a + b Tbill t + et, where RS&Pt+1 is the return on the S&P in month t+1 and Tbill is the Tbill return at month t, both RS&P and Tbill are "variables" because they change through time; i.e., they are not constant.
Definition: An element in a model. For example, in the model RS&Pt+1 = a + b Tbill t + et, where RS&Pt+1 is the return on the S&P in month t+1 and Tbill is the Tbill return at month t, both RS&P and Tbill are "variables" because they change through time; i.e., they are not constant.
Variable Annuities
Definition: Investment contracts whose issuer pays a periodic amount linked to the investment performance of an underlying portfolio.
Definition: Investment contracts whose issuer pays a periodic amount linked to the investment performance of an underlying portfolio.
Variable Cost
Definition: A cost that is directly proportional to the volume of output produced. When production is zero, the variable cost is equal to zero.
Definition: A cost that is directly proportional to the volume of output produced. When production is zero, the variable cost is equal to zero.
Variable Life Insurance Policy
Definition: A whole life insurance policy that provides a death benefit dependent on the insured's portfolio market value at the time of death. Typically the company invests premiums in common stocks, so variable life policies are referred to as equity-linked policies.
Definition: A whole life insurance policy that provides a death benefit dependent on the insured's portfolio market value at the time of death. Typically the company invests premiums in common stocks, so variable life policies are referred to as equity-linked policies.
Variable Maturity Mortgage
Definition: A long-term mortgage loan under which the interest rate may be adjusted periodically. Payment levels remain the same but the loan maturity is lengthened or shortened to accommodate the adjustment.
Definition: A long-term mortgage loan under which the interest rate may be adjusted periodically. Payment levels remain the same but the loan maturity is lengthened or shortened to accommodate the adjustment.
Variable Payment Plan
Definition: Any mortgage repayment schedule that provides for periodic change in the amount of monthly payments. Changes may occur as a result of the expiration of an interest only period (flexible payment mortgage), a planned step-up in payments (graduated payment mortgage), or a change in the interest rate due to fluctuation in an index (variable or adjustable rate mortgage).
Definition: Any mortgage repayment schedule that provides for periodic change in the amount of monthly payments. Changes may occur as a result of the expiration of an interest only period (flexible payment mortgage), a planned step-up in payments (graduated payment mortgage), or a change in the interest rate due to fluctuation in an index (variable or adjustable rate mortgage).
Variable Plan
Definition: A plan in which either the number of shares and/or the price at which they will be issued is not known on the grant date.
Definition: A plan in which either the number of shares and/or the price at which they will be issued is not known on the grant date.
Variable Price Limit
Definition: A price limit schedule, determined by an exchange, that permits variations above or below the normally allowable price movement for any one trading day.
Definition: A price limit schedule, determined by an exchange, that permits variations above or below the normally allowable price movement for any one trading day.
Variable Rate Mortgage (VRM)
Definition: A long-term mortgage loan applied to residential properties under which the interest rate may be adjusted on a 6-month basis over the term of the loan. Rate increases are restricted to no more than 1/2 point per year and 2 1/2 points over the term.
Definition: A long-term mortgage loan applied to residential properties under which the interest rate may be adjusted on a 6-month basis over the term of the loan. Rate increases are restricted to no more than 1/2 point per year and 2 1/2 points over the term.
Variable Rated Demand Bond (VRDB)
Definition: Floating-rate bond that periodically can be sold back to the issuer.
Definition: Floating-rate bond that periodically can be sold back to the issuer.
Variable Ratio Write
Definition: An option strategy in which the investor owns 100 shares of the underlying security and writes two call options against it, each option having a different striking price.
Definition: An option strategy in which the investor owns 100 shares of the underlying security and writes two call options against it, each option having a different striking price.
Variable-price Security
Definition: A security that sells at a fluctuating market-determined price stocks and bonds are example.
Definition: A security that sells at a fluctuating market-determined price stocks and bonds are example.
Definition: A varible-rate agreement, as distinguished from a fixed-rate agreement, calls for an interest rate that may fluctuate over the life of the loan. The rate is often tied to an index that reflects changes in market rates of interest. A fluctuation in the rate causes changes in either the payments or the length of the loan term. Limits are often placed on the degree to which the interest rate or the payments can vary.
Definition: A varible-rate agreement, as distinguished from a fixed-rate agreement, calls for an interest rate that may fluctuate over the life of the loan. The rate is often tied to an index that reflects changes in market rates of interest. A fluctuation in the rate causes changes in either the payments or the length of the loan term. Limits are often placed on the degree to which the interest rate or the payments can vary.