Super Finance Glossary
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Real Property
Definition: Land plus all other property that is in some way attached to the land.
Definition: Land plus all other property that is in some way attached to the land.
Real Rate Of Return
Definition: The percentage return on some investments that has been adjusted for inflation.
Definition: The percentage return on some investments that has been adjusted for inflation.
Real Return
Definition: The actual payback on an investment after removing the effect of inflation.
Definition: The actual payback on an investment after removing the effect of inflation.
Real Time
Definition: A real-time stock or bond quote is one that states a security's most recent offer to sell or bid (buy). Different from a delayed quote, which shows the same bid and ask prices 15 minutes and sometimes 20 minutes after a trade takes place.
Definition: A real-time stock or bond quote is one that states a security's most recent offer to sell or bid (buy). Different from a delayed quote, which shows the same bid and ask prices 15 minutes and sometimes 20 minutes after a trade takes place.
Realistic On Price
Definition: In trading, and indication that the size under consideration requires price give, especially with illiquid stocks. See: Takes price.
Definition: In trading, and indication that the size under consideration requires price give, especially with illiquid stocks. See: Takes price.
Realized Compound Yield
Definition: Yield assuming that coupon payments are invested at the going market interest rate at the time of their receipt and held thus until the bond matures.
Definition: Yield assuming that coupon payments are invested at the going market interest rate at the time of their receipt and held thus until the bond matures.
Realized Profit (or Loss)
Definition: A capital gain or loss on securities held in a portfolio that has become actual by the sale or other type of surrender of one or many securities.
Definition: A capital gain or loss on securities held in a portfolio that has become actual by the sale or other type of surrender of one or many securities.
Realized Volatility
Definition: Sometimes referred to as the historical volatility, this term usually used in the context of derivatives. While the implied volatility refers to the market's assessment of future volatility, the realized volatility measures what actually happened in the past. The measurement of the volatility depends on the particular situation. For example, one could calculate the realized volatility for the equity market in March of 2003 by taking the standard deviation of the daily returns within that month. One could look at the realized volatility between 10:00AM and 11:00AM on June 23, 2003 by calculating the standard deviation of one minute returns.
Definition: Sometimes referred to as the historical volatility, this term usually used in the context of derivatives. While the implied volatility refers to the market's assessment of future volatility, the realized volatility measures what actually happened in the past. The measurement of the volatility depends on the particular situation. For example, one could calculate the realized volatility for the equity market in March of 2003 by taking the standard deviation of the daily returns within that month. One could look at the realized volatility between 10:00AM and 11:00AM on June 23, 2003 by calculating the standard deviation of one minute returns.
Realized Yield
Definition: The holding-period return actually generated from an investment in a bond.
Definition: The holding-period return actually generated from an investment in a bond.
Definition: A specific designation given to members of real estate firms affiliated with the National Association of Realtors (NAR) who are trained and licensed to assist clients in buying and selling real estate.
Definition: A specific designation given to members of real estate firms affiliated with the National Association of Realtors (NAR) who are trained and licensed to assist clients in buying and selling real estate.
Definition: Negotiated return of a portion of the interest earned by the lender of stock to a short seller. When a stock is sold short, the seller borrows stock from an owner or custodian and delivers it to the buyer. The proceeds are delivered to the lender. The borrower, who is short, often wants a rebate of the interest earned on the proceeds under the lender's control, especially when the stock can be borrowed from many sources. Note: The seller must pay the lender any dividends paid out or, in the case of bonds, interest that accrues daily during the term of the loan.
Definition: Negotiated return of a portion of the interest earned by the lender of stock to a short seller. When a stock is sold short, the seller borrows stock from an owner or custodian and delivers it to the buyer. The proceeds are delivered to the lender. The borrower, who is short, often wants a rebate of the interest earned on the proceeds under the lender's control, especially when the stock can be borrowed from many sources. Note: The seller must pay the lender any dividends paid out or, in the case of bonds, interest that accrues daily during the term of the loan.
Recalculation Method
Definition: A method of calculating required minimum distributions from a retirement plan using life expectancy tables. Unisex data tables allow a plan holder to determine the applicable life expectancy each year a distribution is required.
Definition: A method of calculating required minimum distributions from a retirement plan using life expectancy tables. Unisex data tables allow a plan holder to determine the applicable life expectancy each year a distribution is required.
Recapitalization Proposal
Definition: Often used in risk arbitrage. Plan by a target company to restructure its capitalization (debt and equity) in a way to ward off a hostile or potential suitor.
Definition: Often used in risk arbitrage. Plan by a target company to restructure its capitalization (debt and equity) in a way to ward off a hostile or potential suitor.
Definition: A provision in a contract that allows one party to recover (recapture) some degree of possession of an asset, such as a share of the profits derived from some property.
Definition: A provision in a contract that allows one party to recover (recapture) some degree of possession of an asset, such as a share of the profits derived from some property.
Definition: Funds collected from selling land, capital, or services, as well as collections from the public (budget receipts), such as taxes, fines, duties, and fees.
Definition: Funds collected from selling land, capital, or services, as well as collections from the public (budget receipts), such as taxes, fines, duties, and fees.
Receivables Balance Fractions
Definition: The percentage of a month's sales that remains uncollected (and part of accounts receivable) at the end of succeeding months.
Definition: The percentage of a month's sales that remains uncollected (and part of accounts receivable) at the end of succeeding months.
Receivables Turnover Ratio
Definition: Total operating revenues divided by average receivables. Used to measure how effectively a firm is managing its accounts receivable.
Definition: Total operating revenues divided by average receivables. Used to measure how effectively a firm is managing its accounts receivable.
Receive Fixed Counterparty
Definition: The transactor in an interest rate swap who receives payments based on the fixed rate and makes payments based on the floating rate.
Definition: The transactor in an interest rate swap who receives payments based on the fixed rate and makes payments based on the floating rate.