Super Finance Glossary


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Risk-Free Interest Rate
Definition: Describes return available to an investor in a security somehow guaranteed to produce that return. The risk-free interest rate compensataes the investor for the temporary sacrifice of consumption.
Risk-free Rate
Definition: The rate earned on a riskless asset.
Definition: Insensitive to risk.
Definition: Willing to pay money to assume risk from others.
Risk-return Trade-off
Definition: The tendency for potential risk to vary directly with potential return, so that the more risk involved, the greater the potential return, and vice versa.
Risk-reward Ratio
Definition: Relationship of substantial reward corresponding to the amount of risk taken; mathematically represented by dividing the expected return by the standard deviation.
Risk/Reward Ratio
Definition: The relationship between the probability of loss and profit. This ratio is often used as a basis for trade selection or comparison.
Riskless Arbitrage
Definition: The simultaneous purchase and sale of the same asset to yield a profit.
Riskless Or Risk-free Asset
Definition: An asset whose future return is known today with certainty. The risk-free asset is commonly defined as short-term obligations of the US government.
Riskless Rate
Definition: The rate earned on a riskless investment, typically the rate earned on the 90-day US Treasury Bill.
Riskless Rate Of Return
Definition: The rate earned on a riskless asset.
Riskless Transaction
Definition: A transaction that is guaranteed a profit, such as the arbitrage of a temporary differential between commodity prices in two different markets. The evaluation of whether dealer markups and markdowns in OTC transactions are reasonable. According to NASD, markups or markdowns should not exceed 5%.
Risky Asset
Definition: An asset whose future return is uncertain.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for ROMANIA.
Definition: See: See: Return on assets
Road Show
Definition: A promotional presentation by an issuer of securities to potential buyers about the desirable qualities of the investments.
Rocket Scientist
Definition: An employee of an investment firm (often having a Ph.D. in physics or mathematics) that works on highly mathmatic models of derivative pricing.
Definition: See: See: Return on equity