Super Finance Glossary


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Research Portable
Definition: Service offered to clients that transmits investment bank research electronically by computers.
Reservation Price
Definition: The price below or above which a seller or purchaser is unwilling to go.
Definition: An accounting entry that properly reflects contingent liabilities.
Reserve Account
Definition: A separate amount of cash or letter of credit to service a payment requirement such as debt service or maintenance.
Reserve Currency
Definition: A foreign currency held by a central bank or monetary authority for the purposes of exchange intervention and the settlement of intergovernmental claims.
Reserve Price
Definition: The minimum price for which one asset or a portfolio of assets can be sold. A reserve price is often expressed as a percentage of book value for which an asset or a pool of assets can be sold.
Reserve Ratios
Definition: Specified percentages of deposits, established by the Federal Reserve Board, that banks must keep in a noninterest-bearing account at one of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks.
Reserve Requirements
Definition: The percentage of different types of deposits that member banks are required to hold on deposit at the Fed.
Reset Bonds
Definition: Bonds that allow the initial interest rates to be adjusted on specific dates in order that the bonds trade at the value they had when they were issued.
Reset Frequency
Definition: The frequency with which the floating rate changes.
Residential Mortgage
Definition: Mortgage on a residential property, tax-deductible for individuals up to $1 million.
Residential Property
Definition: Property that consists of homes, apartments, townhouses, and condominiums.
Residual Assets
Definition: Assets that remain after sufficient assets are dedicated to meet all senior debtholders' claims in full.
Residual Claim
Definition: Related: Equity claim
Residual Cover
Definition: The cash flow remaining after a project financing has been repaid, expressed as a percentage of the original loan. Residual cushion.
Residual Dividend Approach
Definition: An approach that suggests that a firm pay dividends if and only if acceptable investment opportunities for those funds are currently unavailable.
Residual Method
Definition: A method of allocating the purchase price for the acquisition of another firm among the acquired assets.
Residual Return
Definition: Return independent of the benchmark. The residual return is the return relative to beta times the benchmark return. To be exact, an asset's residual return equals its excess return minus beta times the benchmark excess return.
Residual Risk
Definition: Related: Unsystematic risk