Super Finance Glossary
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Reoffering Yield
Definition: In a purchase and sale, the yield to maturity at which an underwriter offers to sell bonds to investors.
Definition: In a purchase and sale, the yield to maturity at which an underwriter offers to sell bonds to investors.
Reopen An Issue
Definition: The Treasury, when it wants to sell additional securities, will occasionally sell more of an existing issue (reopen it) rather than offer a new issue.
Definition: The Treasury, when it wants to sell additional securities, will occasionally sell more of an existing issue (reopen it) rather than offer a new issue.
Definition: Treasury offerings of additional amounts of outstanding issues, rather than an entirely new issue. A reopened issue will always have the same maturity date, CUSIP number, and interest rate as the original issue.
Definition: Treasury offerings of additional amounts of outstanding issues, rather than an entirely new issue. A reopened issue will always have the same maturity date, CUSIP number, and interest rate as the original issue.
Reorg (or Corporate Action Or Reorganization)
Definition: Any transaction involving the issuance of stock or cash, or the cancellation of stock tendered by a shareholder, such as in the case of a merger, acquisition or tender offer.
Definition: Any transaction involving the issuance of stock or cash, or the cancellation of stock tendered by a shareholder, such as in the case of a merger, acquisition or tender offer.
Definition: Creation of a plan to restructure a debtor's business and restore its financial health.
Definition: Creation of a plan to restructure a debtor's business and restore its financial health.
Reorganization Bond
Definition: A bond issued by a company undergoing a reorganization process.
Definition: A bond issued by a company undergoing a reorganization process.
Definition: The return from abroad of the financial assets of an organization or individual.
Definition: The return from abroad of the financial assets of an organization or individual.
Replacement Chain
Definition: A concept that views a capital investment as an indefinite commitment to a specific type of technology. The replacement chain concept can be used to allow the comparison of mutually exclusive investments with unequal lives.
Definition: A concept that views a capital investment as an indefinite commitment to a specific type of technology. The replacement chain concept can be used to allow the comparison of mutually exclusive investments with unequal lives.
Replacement Cost Accounting
Definition: An accounting method that includes as part of depreciation the difference between the original purchase price of an asset and the current replacement cost.
Definition: An accounting method that includes as part of depreciation the difference between the original purchase price of an asset and the current replacement cost.
Replacement Cost Insurance
Definition: Insurance that pays out the full amount required to replace damaged property with new property, without taking into account the depreciated value of the property.
Definition: Insurance that pays out the full amount required to replace damaged property with new property, without taking into account the depreciated value of the property.
Replacement Cycle
Definition: The frequency with which an asset is replaced by an equivalent asset.
Definition: The frequency with which an asset is replaced by an equivalent asset.
Replacement-chain Problem
Definition: Idea that future replacement decisions must be taken into account in selecting among projects.
Definition: Idea that future replacement decisions must be taken into account in selecting among projects.
Definition: An agreement in which one party sells a security to another party and agrees to repurchase it on a specified date for a specified price. See: Repurchase agreement.
Definition: An agreement in which one party sells a security to another party and agrees to repurchase it on a specified date for a specified price. See: Repurchase agreement.
Repo Or Repurchase Agreement
Definition: A transaction in which one party sells a security to another party while agreeing to repurchase it from the counterparty at some date in the future, at an agreed price. Repos allow traders to short-sell securities and allow the owners of securities to earn added income by lending the securities they own. Through this operation the counterparty is effectively a borrower of funds to finance further. The rate of interest used is known as the repo rate.
Definition: A transaction in which one party sells a security to another party while agreeing to repurchase it from the counterparty at some date in the future, at an agreed price. Repos allow traders to short-sell securities and allow the owners of securities to earn added income by lending the securities they own. Through this operation the counterparty is effectively a borrower of funds to finance further. The rate of interest used is known as the repo rate.
Definition: Written or oral confirmation that all or part of one's order has been executed, including the price and size parameters of the trade being reported; often followed by a fresh picture.
Definition: Written or oral confirmation that all or part of one's order has been executed, including the price and size parameters of the trade being reported; often followed by a fresh picture.
Report Of Condition And Income
Definition: Financial report that all banks, bank holding companies, savings, and loan associations, Edge Act and agreement corporations, and certain other types of organizations must file with a federal regulatory agency. Informally termed a call report.
Definition: Financial report that all banks, bank holding companies, savings, and loan associations, Edge Act and agreement corporations, and certain other types of organizations must file with a federal regulatory agency. Informally termed a call report.