Super Finance Glossary
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Purpose Credit
Definition: Credit used for the purpose of buying, carrying or trading in securities.
Definition: Credit used for the purpose of buying, carrying or trading in securities.
Purpose Loan
Definition: A loan that is backed by securities and that is used to buy other securities under certain government regulations.
Definition: A loan that is backed by securities and that is used to buy other securities under certain government regulations.
Purpose Statement
Definition: A form filed by a borrower that describes the use of a loan backed by securities, and guarantees that the funds lent will not be used illegally to buy securities against Federal Reserve regulations.
Definition: A form filed by a borrower that describes the use of a loan backed by securities, and guarantees that the funds lent will not be used illegally to buy securities against Federal Reserve regulations.
Definition: An option granting the right to sell the underlying futures contract. Opposite of a call.
Definition: An option granting the right to sell the underlying futures contract. Opposite of a call.
Put Bond
Definition: A bond that the holder may choose either to exchange for par value at some date or to extend for a given number of years. If the price is above par, the put is a "premium put."
Definition: A bond that the holder may choose either to exchange for par value at some date or to extend for a given number of years. If the price is above par, the put is a "premium put."
Put Guarantee Letter
Definition: A bank's letter certifying that the person writing a put option has sufficient funds in an account to cover the exercise price if required.
Definition: A bank's letter certifying that the person writing a put option has sufficient funds in an account to cover the exercise price if required.
Put On
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Trade, or cross, a block of stock at the designated price and quantity. See: Print.
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Trade, or cross, a block of stock at the designated price and quantity. See: Print.
Put Option
Definition: This security gives investors the right to sell (or put) a fixed number of shares at a fixed price within a given period. An investor, for example, might wish to have the right to sell shares of a stock at a certain price by a certain time in order to protect, or hedge, an existing investment.
Definition: This security gives investors the right to sell (or put) a fixed number of shares at a fixed price within a given period. An investor, for example, might wish to have the right to sell shares of a stock at a certain price by a certain time in order to protect, or hedge, an existing investment.
Put Price
Definition: The price at which an asset will be sold if a put option is exercised. Also called the strike or exercise price of a put option.
Definition: The price at which an asset will be sold if a put option is exercised. Also called the strike or exercise price of a put option.
Put Provision
Definition: Gives the holder of a floating-rate bond the right to redeem the note at par on the coupon payment date.
Definition: Gives the holder of a floating-rate bond the right to redeem the note at par on the coupon payment date.
Put Ratio Backspread
Definition: A complex options strategy adopted when one believes a stock price will decline but wants to protect against it rising.
Definition: A complex options strategy adopted when one believes a stock price will decline but wants to protect against it rising.
Put Swaption
Definition: A financial instrument giving the buyer the right, or option, to enter into a swap as a floating-rate payer. The writer of the swaption therefore becomes the floating-rate receiver/fixed-rate payer.
Definition: A financial instrument giving the buyer the right, or option, to enter into a swap as a floating-rate payer. The writer of the swaption therefore becomes the floating-rate receiver/fixed-rate payer.
Put To Seller
Definition: Exercise a put option; require that the option writer to purchase the stock at the strike price.
Definition: Exercise a put option; require that the option writer to purchase the stock at the strike price.
Put-call Parity
Definition: Applies to derivative products. Option pricing principle that says, given a stock's price, a put and call of the same class must have a static price relationship because arbitrage opportunities or activities will always reestablish such a relationship.
Definition: Applies to derivative products. Option pricing principle that says, given a stock's price, a put and call of the same class must have a static price relationship because arbitrage opportunities or activities will always reestablish such a relationship.
Put-call Parity Relationship
Definition: The relationship between the price of a put and the price of a call on the same underlying security with the same expiration date, which prevents arbitrage opportunities. Holding the underlying stock and buying a put will deliver the exact payoff as buying one call and investing the present value (PV) of the exercise price. The call value equals C = S + P - PV(k).
Definition: The relationship between the price of a put and the price of a call on the same underlying security with the same expiration date, which prevents arbitrage opportunities. Holding the underlying stock and buying a put will deliver the exact payoff as buying one call and investing the present value (PV) of the exercise price. The call value equals C = S + P - PV(k).
Put-call Ratio
Definition: The ratio of the volume of put options traded to the volume of call options traded, which is used as an indicator of investor sentiment (bullish or bearish).
Definition: The ratio of the volume of put options traded to the volume of call options traded, which is used as an indicator of investor sentiment (bullish or bearish).