Super Finance Glossary
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Project Financing
Definition: A form of asset-based financing in which a firm finances a discrete set of assets on a stand-alone basis.
Definition: A form of asset-based financing in which a firm finances a discrete set of assets on a stand-alone basis.
Project Link
Definition: An econometric model forecasting and describing the effects of changes in different economies on other economies.
Definition: An econometric model forecasting and describing the effects of changes in different economies on other economies.
Project Loan Certificate (PLC)
Definition: A primary program of Ginnie Mae for securitizing FHA-insured and coinsured multifamily, hospital, and nursing home loans.
Definition: A primary program of Ginnie Mae for securitizing FHA-insured and coinsured multifamily, hospital, and nursing home loans.
Project Loan Securities
Definition: Securities backed by a variety of FHA-insured loans-primarily multifamily apartment buildings, hospitals, and nursing homes.
Definition: Securities backed by a variety of FHA-insured loans-primarily multifamily apartment buildings, hospitals, and nursing homes.
Project Loans
Definition: Usually FHA-insured and HUD-guaranteed mortgages on multiple-family housing complexes, nursing homes, hospitals, and other special development.
Definition: Usually FHA-insured and HUD-guaranteed mortgages on multiple-family housing complexes, nursing homes, hospitals, and other special development.
Project Notes (PN)
Definition: Notes issued by municipalities to finance federally sponsored programs in urban renewal and housing and guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Definition: Notes issued by municipalities to finance federally sponsored programs in urban renewal and housing and guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO)
Definition: A measure of a pension plan's liability at the calculation date assuming that the plan is ongoing and will not terminate in the foreseeable future. Related: Accumulated benefit obligation.
Definition: A measure of a pension plan's liability at the calculation date assuming that the plan is ongoing and will not terminate in the foreseeable future. Related: Accumulated benefit obligation.
Projected Maturity Date
Definition: With CMOs, the date at the end of the estimated cash flow window where final payment is made.
Definition: With CMOs, the date at the end of the estimated cash flow window where final payment is made.
Definition: The use of econometric models to forecast the future performance of a company, country, or other financial entity using historical and current information.
Definition: The use of econometric models to forecast the future performance of a company, country, or other financial entity using historical and current information.
Prompt Date
Definition: The date on which the buyer of an option will buy or sell the underlying commodity (or futures contract) if the option is exercised.
Definition: The date on which the buyer of an option will buy or sell the underlying commodity (or futures contract) if the option is exercised.
Prop Shop
Definition: A proprietary trading group, especially one where the group's traders trade electronically at a physical facility operated by the group.
Definition: A proprietary trading group, especially one where the group's traders trade electronically at a physical facility operated by the group.
Definition: For this survey, property means real estate; that is, land and anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings and those things attached to the buildings, such as light fixtures, plumbing and heating fixtures, or other such items which would be personal property if not attached. A property may consist of a single-family house (attached or detached), a multifamily house, a condominium unit, a mobile home, an apartment building, or a group of apartment buildings. For this survey, if a property is mortgaged, the property is all land and buildings covered by a single first mortgage. If the property is not mortgaged, the land and buildings identified by the address in Item A on the survey questionnaire address label is the property.
Definition: For this survey, property means real estate; that is, land and anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings and those things attached to the buildings, such as light fixtures, plumbing and heating fixtures, or other such items which would be personal property if not attached. A property may consist of a single-family house (attached or detached), a multifamily house, a condominium unit, a mobile home, an apartment building, or a group of apartment buildings. For this survey, if a property is mortgaged, the property is all land and buildings covered by a single first mortgage. If the property is not mortgaged, the land and buildings identified by the address in Item A on the survey questionnaire address label is the property.
Property Insurance
Definition: A form of insurance that protects real property against certain risks, such as from fires or storms; often called fire and hazard insurance. May include flood insurance. Does not include mortgage insurance or mortgage life insurance.
Definition: A form of insurance that protects real property against certain risks, such as from fires or storms; often called fire and hazard insurance. May include flood insurance. Does not include mortgage insurance or mortgage life insurance.
Property Inventory
Definition: A list of personal property with corresponding values and initial costs often used to substantiate insurance claim and tax losses.
Definition: A list of personal property with corresponding values and initial costs often used to substantiate insurance claim and tax losses.
Property Rights
Definition: Rights of individuals and companies to own and use property as they see fit and to receive the stream of income that their property generates.
Definition: Rights of individuals and companies to own and use property as they see fit and to receive the stream of income that their property generates.
Property Tax
Definition: A tax levied on real property based on its use and its assessed value.
Definition: A tax levied on real property based on its use and its assessed value.
Property Taxes
Definition: Taxes on property, especially real estate, but also can be on boats, automobiles (often paid along with license fees), recreational vehicles, and business inventories.
Definition: Taxes on property, especially real estate, but also can be on boats, automobiles (often paid along with license fees), recreational vehicles, and business inventories.
Proportional Representation
Definition: A method of stockholder voting that allows minority shareholders and groups of small shareholders to have a better chance of getting representation on a Board of Directors than under statutory voting.
Definition: A method of stockholder voting that allows minority shareholders and groups of small shareholders to have a better chance of getting representation on a Board of Directors than under statutory voting.