Super Finance Glossary


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Definition: Money received by the seller of an asset.
Proceeds Sale
Definition: OTC securities sale whose revenue is used to buy another security.
Processing Delay
Definition: Time a selling firm takes to record receipt of a payment and deposit it.
Producer Price Index (PPI)
Definition: Index measuring changes in wholesale prices, published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics every month.
Product Cycle
Definition: The time it takes to bring new and/or improved products to market.
Product Cycle Theory
Definition: Theory suggesting that a firm initially establish itself locally and expand into foreign markets in response to foreign demand for its product; over time, the MNC will grow in foreign markets; after some point, its foreign business may decline unless it can differentiate its product from competitors.
Product Differentiation
Definition: A source of competitive advantage that depends on producing some item that is regarded to have unique and valuable characteristics.
Product Risk
Definition: A type of mortgage pipeline risk that occurs when a lender has an unusual loan in production or inventory but does not have a sale commitment at a prearranged price.
Definition: In the context of project financing, a defined portion of the proceeds of production up to a dollar amount.
Production Cost Advantage
Definition: A source of competitive advantage that depends on producing some product or service at the lowest cost.
Production Loan
Definition: A project financing where the repayment is linked to the production, often on a dollar/unit basis.
Production Payment Financing
Definition: A method of nonrecourse asset-based financing in which a specified percentage of revenue realized from the sale of the project's output is used to pay debt service.
Production Possibilities Schedule
Definition: The maximum amount of goods (i.e., food and clothing) that a country is able to produce given its labor supply.
Production Rate
Definition: The coupon rate at which a pass-through security guaranteed by Ginnie Mae is issued.
Production-flow Commitment
Definition: An agreement by the loan purchaser to allow a monthly loan quota to be delivered in batches.
Definition: The amount of output per unit of input, such as the quantity of a product produced per hour of capital employed.
Profile Buyer/seller
Definition: Trader trying to get involved in a stock who presents self as a buyer/seller to draw a call from a customer. That is the trader has nothing real, or natural.
Definition: Revenue minus cost. The amount one makes on a transaction.
Profit Center
Definition: A division of an organization held responsible for producing its own profits.
Profit Forecast
Definition: A prediction of future profits of a company, which may affect investment decisions.