Super Finance Glossary
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Price Discovery Process
Definition: The process of determining the prices of assets in the marketplace through the interactions of buyers and sellers.
Definition: The process of determining the prices of assets in the marketplace through the interactions of buyers and sellers.
Price Elasticities
Definition: The percentage change in quantity divided by a percentage change in the price. Answers the question: How much will the demand for my product decrease if I raise prices by 10%?
Definition: The percentage change in quantity divided by a percentage change in the price. Answers the question: How much will the demand for my product decrease if I raise prices by 10%?
Price Gap
Definition: A term used when the price of a stock rockets or dives in a direction away from its last price range, such as a stock with a trading range of $10-$12 that closes at $12 and climbs to $14 the next day.
Definition: A term used when the price of a stock rockets or dives in a direction away from its last price range, such as a stock with a trading range of $10-$12 that closes at $12 and climbs to $14 the next day.
Price Give
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Willingness of a buyer or seller to negotiate on price, within reason, from the price at the last sale or the indicated level. See: Takes price.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Willingness of a buyer or seller to negotiate on price, within reason, from the price at the last sale or the indicated level. See: Takes price.
Price Immunization
Definition: Portfolio protection strategy that focuses on the market value of assets and liabilities.
Definition: Portfolio protection strategy that focuses on the market value of assets and liabilities.
Price Leadership
Definition: A price charged by the dominant producer that becomes the price adopted by all the other producers.
Definition: A price charged by the dominant producer that becomes the price adopted by all the other producers.
Price Of Admission
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Cost to become a player in a stock in an inordinately aggressive market (i.e.,locking on one side, size or price concessions); trader becomes aggressive in order to break the domination of customer activity by another dealer.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Cost to become a player in a stock in an inordinately aggressive market (i.e.,locking on one side, size or price concessions); trader becomes aggressive in order to break the domination of customer activity by another dealer.
Price Range
Definition: The interval between the high and low prices over which a stock has traded over a particular period of time.
Definition: The interval between the high and low prices over which a stock has traded over a particular period of time.
Price Risk
Definition: The risk that the value of a security (or a portfolio) will decline in the future. Or, a type of mortgage pipeline risk created in the production segment when loan terms are set for the borrower in advance of setting terms for secondary market sale. If the general level of rates rises during the production cycle, the lender may have to sell the originated loans at a discount.
Definition: The risk that the value of a security (or a portfolio) will decline in the future. Or, a type of mortgage pipeline risk created in the production segment when loan terms are set for the borrower in advance of setting terms for secondary market sale. If the general level of rates rises during the production cycle, the lender may have to sell the originated loans at a discount.
Price Spread
Definition: An options strategy that involves buying and selling two options on the same security with the same expiration month, but with different exercise prices.
Definition: An options strategy that involves buying and selling two options on the same security with the same expiration month, but with different exercise prices.
Price Support
Definition: Government intervention to set an artificially high price through the use of a price floor designed to aid producers.
Definition: Government intervention to set an artificially high price through the use of a price floor designed to aid producers.
Price Takers
Definition: Individuals who respond to rates and prices by acting as though prices have no influence on them.
Definition: Individuals who respond to rates and prices by acting as though prices have no influence on them.
Price Value Of A Basis Point (PVBP)
Definition: Also called the dollar value of a basis point; a measure of the change in the price of a bond if the required yield changes by one basis point.
Definition: Also called the dollar value of a basis point; a measure of the change in the price of a bond if the required yield changes by one basis point.