Super Finance Glossary
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Positive Obligation
Definition: A New York Stock Exchange rule that governs the behavior of specialists. Positive obligation is the mandate of the specialists to step in and act as either the buyer or the seller public investor orders exist do not match up naturally. Also known as affirmative_obligation. Related: negative_obligation.
Definition: A New York Stock Exchange rule that governs the behavior of specialists. Positive obligation is the mandate of the specialists to step in and act as either the buyer or the seller public investor orders exist do not match up naturally. Also known as affirmative_obligation. Related: negative_obligation.
Positive Yield Curve
Definition: When long-term debt interest rates are higher than short-term debt rates (because of the increased risk involved with long-term debt security).
Definition: When long-term debt interest rates are higher than short-term debt rates (because of the increased risk involved with long-term debt security).
Possessions Corporation
Definition: A type of corporation permitted under the US tax code whose branch operation in a US possession can obtain tax benefits as though it were operating as a foreign subsidiary.
Definition: A type of corporation permitted under the US tax code whose branch operation in a US possession can obtain tax benefits as though it were operating as a foreign subsidiary.
Definition: Particular place on the floor of an exchange where transactions in stocks listed on the exchange occur.
Definition: Particular place on the floor of an exchange where transactions in stocks listed on the exchange occur.
Definition: A set of procedures for evaluating a capital budgeting decision after the fact.
Definition: A set of procedures for evaluating a capital budgeting decision after the fact.
Post-dated Check
Definition: A check that becomes payable and negotiable on a future date specified.
Definition: A check that becomes payable and negotiable on a future date specified.
Post-Money Valuation
Definition: The value of a company after its most recent round of financing. Related: Pre-Money Valuation
Definition: The value of a company after its most recent round of financing. Related: Pre-Money Valuation
Posted Price
Definition: An announced or advertised price indicating what a firm will pay for a commodity or the price at which the firm will sell it.
Definition: An announced or advertised price indicating what a firm will pay for a commodity or the price at which the firm will sell it.
Postponement Option
Definition: The option of deferring a project without eliminating the possibility of undertaking it.
Definition: The option of deferring a project without eliminating the possibility of undertaking it.
Postponing Income
Definition: Purposely delaying receipt of income to a later year in order to reduce current tax liability.
Definition: Purposely delaying receipt of income to a later year in order to reduce current tax liability.
Definition: The portion of stock or bond issue that is returned to the managing underwriter by the participating investment bankers for sale to institutional investors.
Definition: The portion of stock or bond issue that is returned to the managing underwriter by the participating investment bankers for sale to institutional investors.
Power Of Appointment
Definition: The right given to a person to control the disposition of property from a trust or estate. The power may be very broad or limited depending on the trust terms.
Definition: The right given to a person to control the disposition of property from a trust or estate. The power may be very broad or limited depending on the trust terms.
Power Of Attorney
Definition: A written authorization allowing a person to perform certain acts on behalf of another, such as moving of assets between accounts or trading for a person's benefit.
Definition: A written authorization allowing a person to perform certain acts on behalf of another, such as moving of assets between accounts or trading for a person's benefit.
Power To Control
Definition: Defined in irc § 674 as the ability of a grantor or nonadverse party to control the beneficial enjoyment of the corpus or the income therefrom without the approval of any adverse party. This results in the grantor being treated as the owner of the portion of the trust to which this beneficial enjoyment applies.
Definition: Defined in irc § 674 as the ability of a grantor or nonadverse party to control the beneficial enjoyment of the corpus or the income therefrom without the approval of any adverse party. This results in the grantor being treated as the owner of the portion of the trust to which this beneficial enjoyment applies.