Super Finance Glossary
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No-par-value Stock
Definition: A stock with no par value given in the charter or stock certificate.
Definition: A stock with no par value given in the charter or stock certificate.
Noah Effect
Definition: The tendency of persistent time series (0.50
Definition: The tendency of persistent time series (0.50
NOB (Note Against Bond) Spread
Definition: A futures spread trade involving the buying (selling) of a ten-year Treasury note futures contract and the selling (buying) of a Treasury bond futures contract.
Definition: A futures spread trade involving the buying (selling) of a ten-year Treasury note futures contract and the selling (buying) of a Treasury bond futures contract.
NOB Spread
Definition: Notes over bonds spread. This is the difference in yield between Treasury notes (maturing in 2 to 10 years) and Treasury bonds (maturing in 15 or more years), which is traded using Treasury note and bond futures.
Definition: Notes over bonds spread. This is the difference in yield between Treasury notes (maturing in 2 to 10 years) and Treasury bonds (maturing in 15 or more years), which is traded using Treasury note and bond futures.
NOBO (Non-Objecting Beneficial Owner)
Definition: A beneficial ("street") security holder who has not objected to his or her name being released to the Corporation, if the Corporation so requests.
Definition: A beneficial ("street") security holder who has not objected to his or her name being released to the Corporation, if the Corporation so requests.
Definition: Price and volume fluctuations that can confuse interpretation of market direction. Used in the context of general equities. Stock market activity caused by program trades, dividend rolls, and other phenomena not reflective of general sentiment. Antithesis of real.
Definition: Price and volume fluctuations that can confuse interpretation of market direction. Used in the context of general equities. Stock market activity caused by program trades, dividend rolls, and other phenomena not reflective of general sentiment. Antithesis of real.
Noisy Chaos
Definition: A chaotic dynamical system with either observational or system noise added. See: Chaos, Dynamical Systems, Observational Noise, System Noise.
Definition: A chaotic dynamical system with either observational or system noise added. See: Chaos, Dynamical Systems, Observational Noise, System Noise.
Definition: In name only. Differences in compounding cause the nominal rate to differ from the effective interest rate. Inflation causes the purchasing power of money to differ from one time to another.
Definition: In name only. Differences in compounding cause the nominal rate to differ from the effective interest rate. Inflation causes the purchasing power of money to differ from one time to another.
Nominal Annual Rate
Definition: An effective rate per period multiplied by the number of periods in a year. Same as annual percentage rate.
Definition: An effective rate per period multiplied by the number of periods in a year. Same as annual percentage rate.
Nominal Cash Flow
Definition: A cash flow expressed in nominal terms if the actual dollars to be received or paid out are given.
Definition: A cash flow expressed in nominal terms if the actual dollars to be received or paid out are given.
Nominal Exchange Rate
Definition: The actual foreign exchange quotation in contrast to the real exchange rate, which has been adjusted for changes in purchasing power.
Definition: The actual foreign exchange quotation in contrast to the real exchange rate, which has been adjusted for changes in purchasing power.
Nominal Exercise Price
Definition: The exercise price of a GNMA option contract, which equals the unpaid principal balance multiplied by the adjusted exercise price.
Definition: The exercise price of a GNMA option contract, which equals the unpaid principal balance multiplied by the adjusted exercise price.
Nominal Income
Definition: Income that has not been adjusted for inflation and decreasing purchasing power.
Definition: Income that has not been adjusted for inflation and decreasing purchasing power.
Nominal Price
Definition: Price quotations on futures for a period in which no actual trading took place.
Definition: Price quotations on futures for a period in which no actual trading took place.
Nominal Price (or Nominal Quotation)
Definition: Computed price quotation on a futures or option contract for a period in which no actual trading took place, usually an average of bid and asked prices or computed using historical or theoretical relationships to more active contracts.
Definition: Computed price quotation on a futures or option contract for a period in which no actual trading took place, usually an average of bid and asked prices or computed using historical or theoretical relationships to more active contracts.
Nominal Quotation
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Bid and offer prices given by a market maker for the purpose of valuation, not as an invitation to trade; must be specifically identified as such by prefixing the quotes FYI (for your information) or FVO (for valuation only).
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Bid and offer prices given by a market maker for the purpose of valuation, not as an invitation to trade; must be specifically identified as such by prefixing the quotes FYI (for your information) or FVO (for valuation only).
Nominal Yield
Definition: The income received from a fixed income security in one year divided by its par value. See also: Coupon rate.
Definition: The income received from a fixed income security in one year divided by its par value. See also: Coupon rate.