Super Finance Glossary
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New Issue
Definition: Securities that are publicly offered for the first time, whether in an IPO or as an additional issue of stocks or bonds by a company that is already public.
Definition: Securities that are publicly offered for the first time, whether in an IPO or as an additional issue of stocks or bonds by a company that is already public.
New Listing
Definition: A security that has just been entered on a stock or bond exchange for trading.
Definition: A security that has just been entered on a stock or bond exchange for trading.
New Money
Definition: In a Treasury auction, the amount by which the par value of the securities offered exceeds that of those maturing.
Definition: In a Treasury auction, the amount by which the par value of the securities offered exceeds that of those maturing.
New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE)
Definition: Commodities exchange in New York trading futures and options on cotton, frozen concentrated orange juice, and potatoes, as well as interest rate, currency, and index futures and options.
Definition: Commodities exchange in New York trading futures and options on cotton, frozen concentrated orange juice, and potatoes, as well as interest rate, currency, and index futures and options.
New York Futures Exchange (NYFE)
Definition: A wholly owned subsidiary of the NYSE that trades futures and options on the NYSE composite index.
Definition: A wholly owned subsidiary of the NYSE that trades futures and options on the NYSE composite index.
New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)
Definition: The world's largest physical commodity futures exchange.
Definition: The world's largest physical commodity futures exchange.
New Zealand Stock Exchange
Definition: Automated, screen-based national trading system based in Wellington.
Definition: Automated, screen-based national trading system based in Wellington.
New-issues Market
Definition: The market in which a new issue of securities is first sold to investors. This is not a separate market but refers to a niche of the overall market.
Definition: The market in which a new issue of securities is first sold to investors. This is not a separate market but refers to a niche of the overall market.
Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs)
Definition: NIC's are countries with high-growth industrial economies, such as Hong Kong and Malaysia.
Definition: NIC's are countries with high-growth industrial economies, such as Hong Kong and Malaysia.
Next Day
Definition: A spot contract that provides for delivery of a commodity on the next calendar day or the next business day. Also called Day Ahead.
Definition: A spot contract that provides for delivery of a commodity on the next calendar day or the next business day. Also called Day Ahead.
Next Day Settlement
Definition: Transaction in which the contract is settled the day after the trade is executed. See: Settlement date.
Definition: Transaction in which the contract is settled the day after the trade is executed. See: Settlement date.
Next Futures Contract
Definition: The contract settling immediately after the nearby futures contract.
Definition: The contract settling immediately after the nearby futures contract.