Super Finance Glossary
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Lead Pipe
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Virtually certain that trade will take place; lead pipe cinch. See: Layup.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Virtually certain that trade will take place; lead pipe cinch. See: Layup.
Lead Regulator
Definition: A leading self-regulatory organization that over sees compliance with a particular section of the law, such as the NYSE, ASE, or NASDAQ.
Definition: A leading self-regulatory organization that over sees compliance with a particular section of the law, such as the NYSE, ASE, or NASDAQ.
Lead Underwriter
Definition: The head of a syndicate of financial firms that are sponsoring an initial public offering of securities or a secondary offering of securities. Could also apply to bond issues.
Definition: The head of a syndicate of financial firms that are sponsoring an initial public offering of securities or a secondary offering of securities. Could also apply to bond issues.
Definition: A stock or group of stocks that is the first to move in a market upsurge or downturn.
Definition: A stock or group of stocks that is the first to move in a market upsurge or downturn.
Definition: Strategy used by a firm to accelerate payments, normally in response to exchange rate expectations.
Definition: Strategy used by a firm to accelerate payments, normally in response to exchange rate expectations.
Leading Economic Indicators
Definition: Economic series that tend to rise or fall in advance of the rest of the economy.
Definition: Economic series that tend to rise or fall in advance of the rest of the economy.
Leading Indicator
Definition: A change in a measurable economic factor that is evident before the economy starts to follow a specific trend.
Definition: A change in a measurable economic factor that is evident before the economy starts to follow a specific trend.
Leading The Market
Definition: In the context of general equities, this is a stock or group of stocks moving with the market as a whole, but moving in advance of the general market.
Definition: In the context of general equities, this is a stock or group of stocks moving with the market as a whole, but moving in advance of the general market.
League Tables
Definition: A ranking of lenders and advisors according to the underwriting, final take, or number of project finance loans or advisory mandates.
Definition: A ranking of lenders and advisors according to the underwriting, final take, or number of project finance loans or advisory mandates.
Definition: Release of information selectively or not before official public announcement.
Definition: Release of information selectively or not before official public announcement.
Lease Acquisition Cost
Definition: The legal fees and other expenses incurred when acquiring a lease.
Definition: The legal fees and other expenses incurred when acquiring a lease.