Super Finance Glossary


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Long Market Value
Definition: The market value of a security, excluding options, as of the close of the last business day.
Long Position
Definition: Owning or holding options (i.e., the number of contracts bought exceeds the number of contracts sold). For equities, a long position occurs when an individual owns securities. An owner of 1,000 shares of stock is said to be "Long the stock." Related: Short position.
Long Position In An Option
Definition: Purchase of an options.
Long Run
Definition: A period of time in which all costs are variable; longer than one year.
Long Straddle
Definition: Taking a long position in both a put and a call option.
Long The Basis
Definition: A person or firm that has bought the spot commodity and hedged with a sale of futures is said to be long the basis.
Definition: Three or more years. In the context of accounting, more than 1 year.
Long-Term Anticipation Securities (LEAPS)
Definition: Long-term options.
Long-term Assets
Definition: Value of property, equipment, and other capital assets minus the depreciation. This is an entry in the bookkeeping records of a company. It is usually established on a "cost" basis, and thus does not necessarily reflect the market value of the assets.
Long-term Capital Gain
Definition: A profit on the sale of a security or mutual fund share that has been held for more than one year.
Long-term Debt
Definition: An obligation having a maturity of more than one year from the date it was issued. Also called funded debt.
Long-term Debt Ratio
Definition: The ratio of long-ter debt to total capitalization.
Long-term Debt-to-equity Ratio
Definition: A capitalization ratio comparing long-term debt to shareholders' equity.
Long-term Debt/capitalization
Definition: Indicator of financial leverage. Shows long-term debt as a proportion of the capital available. Determined by dividing long-term debt by the sum of long-term debt, preferred stock and common stockholder's equity.
Long-term Financial Plan
Definition: Financial plan covering two or more years of future operations.
Long-term Financing
Definition: Liabilities repayable in more than one year plus equity.
Long-term Forward Contracts
Definition: Contracts that state exchange rate at which a specified amount of a particular currency can be exchanged at a future date (more than one year from today).
Long-term Gain
Definition: A profit on the sale of a capital assets held longer than 12 months, and eligible for long-term capital gains tax treatment.
Long-term Goals
Definition: Financial goals expected to be accomplished in five years or longer.
Long-term Investor
Definition: A person who makes investments for a period of at least five years in order to finance his or her long-term goals.