Super Finance Glossary


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Liability Funding Strategies
Definition: Investment strategy that select assets so that cash flows will equal or exceed the client's obligations.
Liability Insurance
Definition: Insurance guarding against damage or loss that the policyholder, may cause another person in the form of bodily injury or property damage.
Liability Swap
Definition: An interest rate swap used to alter the cash flow characteristics of an institution's liabilities so as to provide a better match with its assets.
License Agreement
Definition: A contract by which a domestic company (the licensor) allows a foreign company (the licensee) to market its products in a foreign country in return for royalties, fees, or other forms of compensation.
Licensed Warehouse
Definition: A warehouse approved by an exchange from which a commodity may be delivered on a futures contract. See Regular Warehouse.
Definition: Arrangement in which a local firm in the host country produces goods in accordance with another firm's (the licensing firm's>) specifications; as the goods are sold, the local firm can retain part of the earnings.
Definition: A security interest in one or more assets that lenders hold in exchange for secured debtfinancing.
Life Annuity
Definition: An annuity that pays a fixed amount for the lifetime of the annuitant.
Life Cycle
Definition: The lifetime of a product or business, from its creation to its demise or transformation.
Life Estate
Definition: A legal arrangement whereby the beneficiary (the "life tenant") is entitled to the use of or the income from a particular property during the lifetime of the beneficiary. Upon the death of the life tenant, the property will go to the holder of the remainder or reversionary interest.
Life Expectancy
Definition: The length of time that an average person is expected to live, which is used by insurance companies use to make projections of benefit payouts.
Life Insurance
Definition: An insurance policy that pays a monetary benefit to the insured person's survivors after death.
Life Insurance In Force
Definition: The dollar amount of life insurance that a company has issued, measured as the sum of policy face values and dividends paid.
Life Insurance Policy
Definition: The contract that sets out the terms of life insurance coverage.
Life Of Contract
Definition: Period between the beginning of trading in a particular futures contract and the expiration of trading. In some cases, this phrase denotes the period already passed in which trading has already occurred. For example, "The life-of-contract high so far is $2.50." Same as Life of Delivery or Life of the Future.
Lifetime Reverse Mortgage
Definition: A type of mortgage in which a homeowner borrows against the value a home, while retaining title, and making no payments while residing in the home. When the owner ceases living in the house, the property is sold, and the loan repaid.
Definition: See: Last in, first out
Definition: An increase in securities prices, as shown by some economic indicator.