Super Finance Glossary


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Joint Stock Company
Definition: A form of business organization that falls between a corporation and a partnership. The company sells stock, and its shareholders are free to sell their stock, but shareholders are liable for all debts of the company.
Joint Tax Return
Definition: Tax return filed by two people, usually spouses.
Joint Tenants With Right Of Survivorship
Definition: In the case of a joint account, on the death of one account holder, ownership of the account assets is transferred to the remaining account holder or holders.
Joint Venture
Definition: An agreement between two or more firms to undertake the same business strategy and plan of action. See: Incorporated joint venture and Unicorporated joint venture.
Jointly And Severally
Definition: Municipal bond underwriting in which the account is undivided and syndicate members are responsible for unsold bonds in proportion to their participation, regardless of how many bonds they may have already sold. A firm with 20% of the account is responsible for selling 20% of the unsold bonds even if has already sold 25% of the total debt issue, for example. See: Severally but not jointly.
Jonestown Defense
Definition: An extreme defensive tactic employed by the management of a target corporation to prevent a hostile takeover. The defensive tactics are so extreme that they typically lead to the destruction of the target corporation. See: Suicide.
Joseph Effect
Definition: The tendency for persistent time series (0.50
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for JAPAN.
Definition: The ISO 4217 currency code for the Japanese Yen.
Jumbo Certificate Of Deposit
Definition: A certificate of deposit in increments of $100,000.
Jumbo Loan
Definition: Loans of $1 billion or more. Or, loans that exceed the statutory size limit eligible for purchase or securitization by the federal agencies.
Jump Ball
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. (1) Deal in which no trading house has exclusivity (each firm is in direct competition for a piece of business); (2) no preference in picking a particular side (buy/sell) of a stock as profile, indicated during the block call, indicate that the sales force could have the stock either way.
Junior Debt (subordinate Debt)
Definition: Debt whose holders have a claim on the firm's assets only after senior debtholder's claims have been satisfied. Subordinated debt.
Junior Issue
Definition: A debt or equity issue from one corporation over which the issue of another firm takes precedence with respect to dividends, interest, principal, or security in the event of liquidation.
Junior Mortgage
Definition: A mortgage that will be satisfied only after more senior mortgages have been satisfied. E.g., a first mortgage will be satisfied prior to a second or a third mortgage.
Junior Refunding
Definition: Issuing of new securities to refinance government debt that matures in one to five years.
Junior Security
Definition: A security that has a lower-priority claim on a company's assets and income than a senior security. For example common stock is junior to preferred stock.
Junk Bond
Definition: A bond with a speculative credit rating of BB (S&P) or BA (Moody's) or lower. Junk or high-yield bonds offer investors higher yields than bonds of financially sound companies. Two agencies, Standard & Poors and Moody's Investor Services, provide the rating systems for companies' credit.
Jury Of Executive Opinion
Definition: A method of forecasting using a composite forecast prepared by a number of individual experts. The experts form their own opinions initially from the data given, and revise their opinions according to the others' opinions. Finally, the individuals' final opinions are combined.