Super Finance Glossary
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Hell-or-high-water Contract
Definition: A contract that obligates a purchaser of a project's output to make cash payments to the project in all events, even if no product is offered for sale.
Definition: A contract that obligates a purchaser of a project's output to make cash payments to the project in all events, even if no product is offered for sale.
Helsinki Exchanges (HEX)
Definition: The Helsinki Exchanges (HEX Ltd., Helsinki Securities and Derivatives Exchange and Clearing House) was formed at the beginning of 1998 following the merger of the Helsinki Stock Exchange Ltd. and SOM Ltd., the Securities and Derivatives Exchange, and the Clearing House.
Definition: The Helsinki Exchanges (HEX Ltd., Helsinki Securities and Derivatives Exchange and Clearing House) was formed at the beginning of 1998 following the merger of the Helsinki Stock Exchange Ltd. and SOM Ltd., the Securities and Derivatives Exchange, and the Clearing House.
Hemline Theory
Definition: A theory that stock prices move in the same direction as the hemlines of women's dresses. For example, short skirts (1920s and 1960s) are symbolic of bullish markets and long skirts (1930s and 1940s) are symbolic of bearish markets.
Definition: A theory that stock prices move in the same direction as the hemlines of women's dresses. For example, short skirts (1920s and 1960s) are symbolic of bullish markets and long skirts (1930s and 1940s) are symbolic of bearish markets.
Henry Hub
Definition: A natural gas pipeline hub in Louisiana that serves as the delivery point for New York Mercantile Exchange natural gas futures contracts and often serves as a benchmark for wholesale natural gas prices across the U.S.
Definition: A natural gas pipeline hub in Louisiana that serves as the delivery point for New York Mercantile Exchange natural gas futures contracts and often serves as a benchmark for wholesale natural gas prices across the U.S.
Herstatt Risk
Definition: The risk of loss in foreign exchange trading that one party will deliver foreign exchange but the counterparty financial_institution will fail to complete its end of the contract. This is also referred to as settlement risk.
Definition: The risk of loss in foreign exchange trading that one party will deliver foreign exchange but the counterparty financial_institution will fail to complete its end of the contract. This is also referred to as settlement risk.
Definition: Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate, the annualized offer rate banks pay to attain Hong Kong three-month deposits in denominated dollars.
Definition: Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate, the annualized offer rate banks pay to attain Hong Kong three-month deposits in denominated dollars.
Hidden Load
Definition: A sales charge that is not explicitly disclosed or is buried in the fine print of a mutual fund prospectus or life insurance policy and therefore is not immediately apparent.
Definition: A sales charge that is not explicitly disclosed or is buried in the fine print of a mutual fund prospectus or life insurance policy and therefore is not immediately apparent.
Hidden Values
Definition: Valuable assets owned by a company, that are not accurately reflected in its stock price at a particular time.
Definition: Valuable assets owned by a company, that are not accurately reflected in its stock price at a particular time.
High Credit
Definition: The maximum amount of outstanding loans for a particular customer on a bank's record.
Definition: The maximum amount of outstanding loans for a particular customer on a bank's record.
High Current Income Mutual Fund
Definition: A mutual fund whose primary goal is to produce a high level of income by making higher-risk investments in instruments such as junk bonds.
Definition: A mutual fund whose primary goal is to produce a high level of income by making higher-risk investments in instruments such as junk bonds.
High Flyer
Definition: High-priced and highly speculative stock that moves up and down sharply over a short period. Generally glamorous in nature due to the capital gains potential associated with them; also used to describe any high-priced stock. Antithesis of sleeper.
Definition: High-priced and highly speculative stock that moves up and down sharply over a short period. Generally glamorous in nature due to the capital gains potential associated with them; also used to describe any high-priced stock. Antithesis of sleeper.
High Price
Definition: The highest (intraday) price of a stock over the past 52 weeks, adjusted for any stock splits.
Definition: The highest (intraday) price of a stock over the past 52 weeks, adjusted for any stock splits.
High Withholding Tax Interest Income
Definition: Interest income that is subject to a foreign gross withholding tax of 5% or more. Specified in US tax code.
Definition: Interest income that is subject to a foreign gross withholding tax of 5% or more. Specified in US tax code.
High Yield
Definition: In the context of hedge funds, a style of management that focuses on low rated fixed income securities.
Definition: In the context of hedge funds, a style of management that focuses on low rated fixed income securities.
High-coupon Bond Refunding
Definition: Replace a high-coupon bond with a new, lower-coupon bond.
Definition: Replace a high-coupon bond with a new, lower-coupon bond.
High-grade Bond
Definition: A bond with Triple-A or Double-A rating in Standard & Poor's, or Moody's rating system.
Definition: A bond with Triple-A or Double-A rating in Standard & Poor's, or Moody's rating system.