Super Finance Glossary


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Definition: Describes the characteristics and/or experience of the total universe of a coupon of MBS sector type; that is, in contrast to a specific pool or collateral group, as in a specific CMO issue.
Generic Credit Spread
Definition: Refers to the corporate bond spread for a particular credit rating and expiry. For example, 10-year single A corporates were priced or trading at 130 basis points above Treasuries last night, or said diffrently, 130 is the generic credit spread for 10-year single A corporates.
Genetic Algorithms
Definition: Models that optimize rules by mimicking the Darwinian Law of survival of the fittest. A set of rules are chosen by those that work the best. The weakest are discarded. In addition, two successful rules can be combined (the equivalent to genetic cross-overs) to produce offspring rules. The offspring can replace the parents, or they will be discarded if less successful than the parents. Mutation is also accomplished by randomly changing elements. Mutation and cross-over occur with low probability, as in nature.
Geographic Risk
Definition: Risk that arises when an issuer issues policies concentrated within certain geographic areas, such as the risk of damage from a hurricane or an earthquake.
Geometric Mean Return
Definition: Also called the time-weighted rate of return, a measure of the compound rate of growth of the initial portfolio market value during the evaluation period, assuming that all cash distributions are reinvested in the portfolio. It is computed by taking the geometric average of the portfolio subperiod returns.
Gestation Repo
Definition: A reverse repurchase agreement between mortgage firms and securities dealers. Under the agreement, the firm sells federal agency-guaranteed MBS and simultaneously agrees to repurchase them at a future date at a fixed price.
Get Hit
Definition: Go lower in price, when bids in the stock or market are hit, causing those bids to vanish and be replaced by lower ones. Come in. Antithesis of on the take.
Get Out
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Sell interest ("We could get out big size in Humana.")
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for FRENCH GUIANA.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for GHANA.
Definition: The illegal practice that one firm drives a stock's price higher or lower, while other conspiring firms follow its lead to influence up the price of the stock.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for GIBRALTAR.
Gift Inter Vivos
Definition: A piece of property or asset given from one living person to another.
Gift Splitting
Definition: A technique used to avoid a gift tax in which a large sum of money to be given by two parents to a child is halved and given to the child separately For example, a husband and wife each donate $10,000 to their child rather than one parent donating $20,000.
Gift Tax
Definition: A tax assessed on the giver of a property or asset as a gift. A $10,000 federal gift tax exemption exists per recipient. See: Gift splitting.
Gilt-edged Securities
Definition: British and Irish government securities. Blue Chip.
Definition: British and Irish government securities. Blue Chip.
Ginnie Mae Pass-through
Definition: A security guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association that is backed by a collection of mortgages, in which the investor receives the interest and principal payments of participating homeowners.