Super Finance Glossary


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Browsing by the letter "G"

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Definition: The assumption of responsibility for payment of a debt or performance of some obligation if the liable party fails to perform to expectations.
Guarantee Fee
Definition: A sum paid by the importer to the guarantor, usually as a percentage per annum of the face value of the bills or notes being guaranteed.
Guarantee Letter
Definition: A commercial bank's letter assuring payment of the exercise price of a client's put option.
Guaranteed Bond
Definition: A type of bond for which a firm other than the issuer guarantees its interest and principal payments.
Guaranteed Insurability
Definition: A life and health insurance policy feature that enables the insured to add coverage at future times and at fixed and agreed-upon rates regardless of health conditions.
Guaranteed Insurance Contract
Definition: A contract promising a stated nominal interest rate over some specific time period, usually several years.
Guaranteed Introducing Broker
Definition: An Introducing Broker that has entered into a guarantee agreement with a Futures Commission Merchant, whereby the FCM agrees to be jointly and severally liable for all of the Introducing Broker's obligations under the Commodity Exchange Act. By entering into the agreement, the Introducing Broker is relieved from the necessity of raising its own capital to satisfy minimum financial requirements. In contrast, an independent Introducing Broker must raise its own capital to meet minimum financial requirements.
Guaranteed Investment Contract (GIC)
Definition:  A pure investment product in which a life company agrees, for a single premium, to pay at a maturity date the principal amount of a predetermined annual crediting (interest) rate over the life of the investment.
Guaranteed Mortgage Certificates (GMC)
Definition: First issued by Freddie Mac in 1975, G.M.C.s, like PCs, represent undivided interest in specified conventional whole loans and participations previously purchased by Freddie Mac.
Guaranteed Renewable Policy Insurance
Definition: A type of insurance policy that requires the insurer to renew the policy to an individual regardless of health changes. No changes may be made to an individual policyholder unless the same change is applied to all policyholders.
Guaranteed Replacement Cost Coverage Insurance
Definition: A policy that covers the full cost of replacing damaged property without any allowances or deductions, e.g., depreciation.
Guaranteeing/ Avalising Bank
Definition: The person, bank, or financial entity who gives the guarantee for the importer.
Definition: A party who will guarantee repayment or performance of a covenant.
Guarantor Program
Definition: Under the Freddie Mac program, the aggregation by a single issuer (usually an S&L) for the purpose of forming a qualifying pool to be issued as PCs under the Freddie Mac guarantee.
Definition: An individual or trust institution appointed by a court to care for a minor or an incompetent person and his or her property.
Definition: It is increasingly important for firms to meet or exceed analysts' consensus earnings forecasts. Often management will give guidance or hints of the earnings per share prospects over the next quarter or next year to try to direct the consensus to what is achievable. For example, it is possible that the consensus is well above management's internal forecasts. Management will try to guide the consensus downwards so that when the earnings are released the negative surprise is minimized. Under Regulation FD, management needs to be very careful to provide guidance information to all shareholders -- not just a select group of analysts. This is often achieved in investor presentations (that are often webcast) or conference calls (where anyone is allowed to dial in).
Gun Jumping
Definition: In the context of securities trading, refers to trading in a security on the basis of information that has not been made available to the public. The illegal solicitation of buy orders in an underwriting before completion and finalization of Securities and Exchange Commission registration.
Definition: An aggressive portfolio manager who makes risky investments, typically in margin accounts, in search of high returns.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for GUINEA-BISSAU.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for the for GUYANA.