Super Finance Glossary


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Browsing by the letter "G"

Displaying next 180 results of 238
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Definition: The market value of final goods and services produced over time including the income of foreign corporations and foreign residents working in the U.S., but excluding the income of U.S. residents and corporations overseas.
Gross Earnings
Definition: A person's total taxable income prior to adjustments. See: adjusted gross income.
Gross Estate
Definition: The total value of a person's property and assets before accounting for debts, taxes, and liabilities.
Gross Income
Definition: -
Gross Interest
Definition: Interest earned before taxes are deducted.
Gross Lease
Definition: A type of property lease in which the lessor (owner of the property being leased) pays expenses associated with ownership such as damages, taxes, and insurance.
Gross National Product (GNP)
Definition: Measures and economy's total income. It is equal to G.D.P. plus the income abroad accruing to domestic residents minus income generated in domestic market accruing to non-residents.
Gross Parity
Definition: Applies mainly to convertible securities and international equities. Antithesis of net parity. For the price of a convertible, including accrued interest. For the price of international security, including commissions, fees, stamp duty, and other transaction costs, translated into U.S. dollar amounts.
Gross Per Broker
Definition: The dollar amount of commissions generated by a broker or registered representative over a specific period.
Gross Processing Margin (GPM)
Definition: Refers to the difference between the cost of a commodity and the combined sales income of the finished products that result from processing the commodity. Various industries have formulas to express the relationship of raw material costs to sales income from finished products. See Crack Spread, Crush Spread, and Spark Spread.
Gross Profit
Definition: Sales minus the cost of goods sold.
Gross Profit Margin
Definition: Gross profit divided by sales, which is equal to each sales dollar left over after paying for the cost of goods sold.
Gross Sales
Definition: Total sales calculated by summing all sales at invoice values, neglecting any adjustments such as customer discounts or returns.
Gross Spread
Definition: The fraction of the gross proceeds of an underwritten securities offering that is paid as compensation to the underwriters of the offering.
Gross Weight
Definition: The full weight (including goods and packaging) of shipment.
Ground Lease
Definition: A lease of land, as opposed to a lease of a building.
Ground Rent
Definition: The rent paid on leased land. Same as "land rent."
Group Insurance
Definition: Insurance coverage for a group, which can usually be obtained at a cheaper rate than insurance for an individual.
Group Of Eight (G-8)
Definition: The G-7 countries plus Russia.
Group Of Five (G-5)
Definition: The five leading countries (France, Germany, Japan, the U.K., and the U.S.) that meet periodically to achieve some cooperative effort on international economic issues. When currency issues are discussed, the monetary authorities of these nations hold the meeting.