Super Finance Glossary


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Browsing by the letter "D"

Displaying next 280 results of 529
Director Exception
Definition: A proxy or ballot that withholds its votes from one or more, but not all, individuals on the slate of nominated directors.
Directors' Duties
Definition: In the context of corporate governance, Directors' Duties refers to stated responsibilities of the company's Board of Directors. These provisions allow directors to consider constituencies other than shareholders when considering a merger. These constituencies may include, for example, employees, host communities, or suppliers. This provision provides boards of directors with legal basis for rejecting a takeover that would have been beneficial to shareholders. A majority of states have Directors Duties Laws.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Stock status whereby a trader may not maintain positions in the security, due to an investment bank employee serving as a director on the corporation's Board of Directors done to avoid conflicts of interest;signified by a flashing "D" on Quotron. Contrast to restricted.
Dirty Float
Definition: A system of floating exchange rates in which a government may intervene to change the direction of the value of the country's currency.
Dirty Price
Definition: Bond price including accrued interest, i.e., the price paid by the bond buyer.
Dirty Stock
Definition: A stock that fails to fulfill prerequisites to attain good delivery status.
Disability Income Insurance
Definition: An insurance policy that insures a worker in the event of an occupational mishap resulting in disability. Insurance benefits compensate the injured worker for lost pay.
Disbursement Float
Definition: A decrease in book cash but no immediate change in bank cash, generated by checks written by the firm.
Discharge Of Bankruptcy
Definition: The termination of bankruptcy proceedings, resulting in cancellation of the debtor's obligations.
Discharge Of Lien
Definition: An order terminating a lien on property.
Disclaimer Of Opinion
Definition: An auditor's statement that does not express any opinion regarding the company's financial condition.
Definition: A company's release of all information pertaining to the company's business activity, regardless of how that information may influence investors.
Disclosure Document
Definition: A statement that must be provided to prospective customers that describes trading strategy, potential risk, commissions, fees, performance and other relevant information.
Discontinued Operations
Definition: Divisions of a business that have been sold or written off and that no longer are maintained by the business.
Definition: Convertible: Difference between gross parity and a given convertible price. Most often invoked when a redemption is expected before the next coupon payment, making it liable for accrued interest. Antithesis of premium.

General: Information that has already been taken into account and is built into a stock or market.

Straight equity: Price lower than that of the last sale or inside market.
Discount Arbitrage
Definition: A riskless arbitrage in which a discount option is purchased and an opposite position is taken in the underlying security. The arbitrageur may either buy a call at a discount and simultaneously sell the underlying security (basic call arbitrage) or may buy a put at a discount and simultaneously buy the underlying security (basic put arbitrage). See also Discount.
Discount Bond
Definition: Debt sold for less than its principal value. If a discount bond pays no coupon, it is called a zero coupon bond.
Discount Broker
Definition: A brokerage house featuring relatively low commission rates in comparison to a full-service broker.