Super Finance Glossary


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Defined Asset Fund
Definition: A unit investment trust consisting of a fixed portfolio of securities, including blue chips, REITs, or high-yielding stocks on a major exchange such as the NYSE or FTSE.
Defined Benefit Plan
Definition: A pension plan obliging the sponsor to make specified dollar payments to qualifying employees at retirement. The pension obligations are effectively the debt obligation of the plan sponsor. Related: Defined contribution plan
Defined Contribution Plan
Definition: A pension plan whose sponsor is responsible only for making specified contributions into the plan on behalf of qualifying participants. Related: Defined benefit plan
Defined Event
Definition: The definition applicable to the trigger of a loss in an insurance policy, particularly political risk insurance.
Definition: Decline in the prices of goods and services. Antithesis of inflation.
Definition: A statistical factor used to convert current dollar purchasing power into inflation-adjusted purchasing power. Enables the comparison of prices while accounting for inflation in two different time periods.
Delayed Exchange
Definition: Same or similar to "tax-free exchange." See also "tax-free exchange."
Delayed Issuance Pool
Definition: Refers to mortgage backed securities (MBS) that at the time of issuance were collateralized by seasoned loans originated prior to the MBS pool issue date.
Delayed Opening
Definition: Postponement of the start of trading in a stock until correction of a gross imbalance in buy and sell orders. Such an imbalance is likely to follow on the heels of a significant event such as a takeover offer. See: Suspended trading.
Delayed Settlement/delivery
Definition: In the context of general equities, transaction in which a contract is settled in excess of five full business days. Seller's option. See: Dividend play, settlement.
Definition: Failure to make a payment on a debt or obligation by the specified due date.
Definition: Removal of a company's security from listing on an exchange because the firm has not abided by specific regulations.
Definition: The sale of a futures or forward contract may require the seller to deliver the commodity during the delivery month, if the short position is not offset prior to that time.
Deliverable Bills
Definition: The Treasury bills that fulfill a set of guidelines set forth by the exchange on which the bills are traded.
Deliverable Instrument
Definition: The asset in a forward contract that will be delivered in the future at an agreed-upon price.
Deliverable Stocks
Definition: Stocks of commodities located in exchange-approved storage, for which receipts may be used in making delivery on futures contracts. In the cotton trade, the term refers to cotton certified for delivery. Also see Certificated or Certified Stocks.
Deliverable Supply
Definition: The total supply of a commodity that meets the delivery specifications of a futures contract. See Economically Deliverable Supply.
Delivered At Frontier (DAF)
Definition: Seller must supply the goods at his or her own risk and expense delivered to a named place (usually a border location) by a specified time. The buyer is responsible for the importation. This is normally is used with rail, truck, or multi-modal shipments.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Definition: Seller must supply the goods at his or her own risk and expense to a named place in the country of importation. The seller is responsible for importation, payment of duty, and on carriage to the location agreed upon with the buyer.