Super Finance Glossary


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Credit Risk
Definition: The risk that an issuer of debt securities or a borrower may default on its obligations, or that the payment may not be made on a negotiable instrument. Related: Default risk.
Credit Scoring
Definition: A statistical technique that combines several financial characteristics to form a single score to represent a customer's creditworthiness.
Credit Spread
Definition: Applies to derivative products. Difference in the value of two options, when the value of the one sold exceeds the value of the one bought. One sells a "credit spread." Antithesis of a debit spread Related: Quality spread.
Credit Spread Option
Definition: An option whose payoff is based on the credit spread between the debt of a particular borrower and similar maturity Treasury debt.
Credit Standards
Definition: The guidelines a company follows to determine whether a credit applicant is creditworthy.
Credit Terms
Definition: The conditions under which credit will be extended to a customer. The components of credit terms are: cash discount, credit period, net period.
Credit Union
Definition: A not-for-profit institution that is operated as a cooperative and offers financial services such as low-interest loans to its members.
Credit Watch
Definition: A warning by a bond rating firm indicating that a company's credit rating may change after the current review is concluded.
Crediting Rate
Definition: The interest rate offered on an investment type insurance policy.
Definition: Lender of money.
Creditor's Committee
Definition: A group representing firms that have claims on a company facing bankruptcy or extreme financial difficulty.
Definition: The condition in which the risk of default on a debt obligation by that entity is deemed low.
Creeping Expropriation
Definition: The act of a government squeezing a project by taxes, regulation, access, or changes in law.
Creeping Tender Offer
Definition: The process by which a group attempting to circumvent certain provisions of the Williams Act gradually acquires shares of a target company in the open market.
Definition: CREST is CrestCo's real-time settlement system for UK and Irish shares and other corporate securities. CrestCo has provided settlement systems for government bonds and money market instruments in the UK since 1990.
Crisp Sets
Definition: The fuzzy set term for traditional set theory. That is, an object either belongs to a set, or does not.
Critical Levels
Definition: Values of control parameters where the nature of a nonlinear dynamic system changes. The system can bifurcate, or make the transition from stable to turbulent behavior. An example is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Crop Year
Definition: The time period from one harvest to the next, varying according to the commodity (e.g., July 1 to June 30 for wheat; September 1 to August 31 for soybeans).
Definition: Securities transaction in which the same broker acts as agent for both sides of the trade; a legal practice only if the broker first offers the securities publicly at a price higher than the bid.