Super Finance Glossary


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Convertible Preferred Stock
Definition: Preferred stock that can be converted into common stock at the option of the holder. See also: participating convertible preferred stock.
Convertible Price
Definition: The contractually specified price per share at which a convertible security can be converted into shares of common stock.
Convertible Security
Definition: A security that can be converted into common stock at the option of the securityholder; includes convertible bonds and convertible preferred stock.
Definition: Curved, as in the shape of the outside of a circle. Usually referring to the price/required yield relationship for option-free bonds.
Definition: Property that a curve is above a straight line connecting two end points. If the curve falls below the straight line, it is called concave.
Cook The Books
Definition: To deliberately falsify the financial statements of a company. This is an illegal practice.
Cooling-off Period
Definition: The period of time between the filing of a preliminary prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the actual public offering of the securities.
Definition: An organization owned by its members. Examples are agriculture cooperatives that assist farmers in selling their products more efficiently and apartment buildings owned by the residents who have full control of the property.
Definition: The ISO 4217 currency code for Colombian Peso.
Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Definition: The only securities exchange in Denmark. It features electronic trading of stocks, bonds, futures, and options.
Core Capital
Definition: The capital required of a thrift institution, which must be at least 2% of assets to meet the rules of the Federal Home Loan Bank.
Core Competence
Definition: Primary area of expertise. Narrowly defined fields or tasks at which a company or business excels. Primary areas of specialty.
Core Principle
Definition: A provision of the Commodity Exchange Act with which a Contract Market, Derivatives Transaction Execution Facility, or Derivatives Clearing Organization must comply on an ongoing basis. There are 18 Core Principles for Contract Markets, nine Core Principles for DTEFs, and 14 Core Principles for DCOs.
Corn Hog Ratio
Definition: See: Feed Ratio
Corn-Hog Ratio
Definition: See: Feed Ratio

(1) Securing such relative control of a commodity that its price can be manipulated, that is, can be controlled by the creator of the corner; or

(2) in the extreme situation, obtaining contracts requiring the delivery of more commodities than are available for delivery. See Squeeze, Congestion.

Cornering The Market
Definition: Purchasing a security or commodity in such volume as to achieve control over its price. An illegal practice.
Corporate Acquisition
Definition: The acquisition of one firm by another firm.
Corporate Bonds
Definition: Debt obligations issued by corporations.
Corporate Charter
Definition: A legal document creating a corporation.