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Definition: In R/S Analysis, an anti-persistent time series reverses itself more often than a random series would. If the system had been up in the previous period, it is more likely that it will be down in the next period and vice versa. Also called pink noise, or 1/f noise. See: Persistence, R/S Analysis, Hurst Exponent, Joseph Effect, Noah Effect.
Definition: In R/S Analysis, an anti-persistent time series reverses itself more often than a random series would. If the system had been up in the previous period, it is more likely that it will be down in the next period and vice versa. Also called pink noise, or 1/f noise. See: Persistence, R/S Analysis, Hurst Exponent, Joseph Effect, Noah Effect.
Anticipated Holding Period
Definition: The period of time an individual expects to hold an asset.
Definition: The period of time an individual expects to hold an asset.
Definition: Paying what is owed before it is due (usually to save interest charges).
Definition: Paying what is owed before it is due (usually to save interest charges).
Antidilutive Effect
Definition: Result of a transaction that increases earnings per common share (e.g., by decreasing the number of shares outstanding).
Definition: Result of a transaction that increases earnings per common share (e.g., by decreasing the number of shares outstanding).
Definition: Greenmail refers to the agreement between a large shareholder and a company in which the shareholder agrees to sell his stock back to the company, usually at a premium, in exchange for the promise not to seek control of the company for a specified period of time. Antigreenmail provisions prevent such arrangements unless the same repurchase offer is made to all shareholders or approved by shareholder vote. There are some states that have antigreenmail laws.
Definition: Greenmail refers to the agreement between a large shareholder and a company in which the shareholder agrees to sell his stock back to the company, usually at a premium, in exchange for the promise not to seek control of the company for a specified period of time. Antigreenmail provisions prevent such arrangements unless the same repurchase offer is made to all shareholders or approved by shareholder vote. There are some states that have antigreenmail laws.
Antitrust Laws
Definition: Legislation established by the federal government to prevent the formation of monopolies and to regulate trade.
Definition: Legislation established by the federal government to prevent the formation of monopolies and to regulate trade.
Definition: A call provision in a municipal bond indenture that establishes the right of redemption for the issuer on any interest payment due date.
Definition: A call provision in a municipal bond indenture that establishes the right of redemption for the issuer on any interest payment due date.
Any-or-all Bid
Definition: Often used in risk arbitrage. Takeover bid in which the acquirer offers to pay a set price for all outstanding shares of the target company, or any part thereof; contrasts with two-tier bid.
Definition: Often used in risk arbitrage. Takeover bid in which the acquirer offers to pay a set price for all outstanding shares of the target company, or any part thereof; contrasts with two-tier bid.
Any-part-of Order
Definition: In context of general equities, order to buy or sell a quantity of stock in pieces if necessary. Antithesis of an all-or-none order (AON).
Definition: In context of general equities, order to buy or sell a quantity of stock in pieces if necessary. Antithesis of an all-or-none order (AON).
Appraisal Ratio
Definition: The signal-to-noise ratio of an analyst's forecasts. The ratio of alpha to residual standard deviation.
Definition: The signal-to-noise ratio of an analyst's forecasts. The ratio of alpha to residual standard deviation.
Appraisal Rights
Definition: A right of shareholders in a merger to demand the payment of a fair price for their shares, as determined independently.
Definition: A right of shareholders in a merger to demand the payment of a fair price for their shares, as determined independently.
Appraised Equity Capital
Definition: A regulatory capital item established by the former Federal Home Loan Bank Board that allowed a savings association to count as part of its regulatory capital the difference between the book value and the fair market value (appraised value) of fixed assets, including owneroccupied real estate.
Definition: A regulatory capital item established by the former Federal Home Loan Bank Board that allowed a savings association to count as part of its regulatory capital the difference between the book value and the fair market value (appraised value) of fixed assets, including owneroccupied real estate.