Super Finance Glossary
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Amortization Factor
Definition: The pool factor implied by the scheduled amortization assuming no prepayments.
Definition: The pool factor implied by the scheduled amortization assuming no prepayments.
Amortizing Interest Rate Swap
Definition: Swap in which the principal or notional amount declines over time.
Definition: Swap in which the principal or notional amount declines over time.
Amortizing Swap
Definition: An interest rate swap or currency swap where the principal or notional amount decreases in steps over the life of the swap.
Definition: An interest rate swap or currency swap where the principal or notional amount decreases in steps over the life of the swap.
Amount Due
Definition: Money that taxpayers must pay to the government when the total tax is greater than their total tax payments.
Definition: Money that taxpayers must pay to the government when the total tax is greater than their total tax payments.
Amount Outstanding And In Circulation
Definition: All currency issued by the Bureau of the Mint and intended as a medium of exchange. Coins sold by the Bureau of the Mint at premium prices are not included; uncirculated coin sets sold at face value plus handling charge are included.
Definition: All currency issued by the Bureau of the Mint and intended as a medium of exchange. Coins sold by the Bureau of the Mint at premium prices are not included; uncirculated coin sets sold at face value plus handling charge are included.
Amsterdam Exchange (AEX)
Definition: Exchange that comprises the AEX-Effectenbeurs, the AEX-Optiebeurs (formerly the European Options Exchange or EOE) and the AEX-Agrarische Termijnmarkt. AEX-Data Services is the operating company responsible for the dissemination of data from the Amsterdam Exchange via its integrated Mercury 2000 system.
Definition: Exchange that comprises the AEX-Effectenbeurs, the AEX-Optiebeurs (formerly the European Options Exchange or EOE) and the AEX-Agrarische Termijnmarkt. AEX-Data Services is the operating company responsible for the dissemination of data from the Amsterdam Exchange via its integrated Mercury 2000 system.
Definition: Used in context of general equities. In-house message system entered and displayed through Quotron A page.
Definition: Used in context of general equities. In-house message system entered and displayed through Quotron A page.
Definition: Employee of a brokerage or fund management house who studies companies and makes buy-and-sell recommendations on stocks of these companies. Most specialize in a specific industry.
Definition: Employee of a brokerage or fund management house who studies companies and makes buy-and-sell recommendations on stocks of these companies. Most specialize in a specific industry.
And Interest
Definition: An indication that the buyer will receive accrued interest in addition to the price quoted for a bond.
Definition: An indication that the buyer will receive accrued interest in addition to the price quoted for a bond.
Andean Pact
Definition: A regional trade pact that includes Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
Definition: A regional trade pact that includes Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
Definition: An investment-grade bond. Antithesis to fallen angel. In the context of venture capital, the first investor.
Definition: An investment-grade bond. Antithesis to fallen angel. In the context of venture capital, the first investor.
Announcement Date
Definition: Date on which particular news concerning a given company is announced to the public. Used in event studies, which researchers use to evaluate the economic impact of events of interest.
Definition: Date on which particular news concerning a given company is announced to the public. Used in event studies, which researchers use to evaluate the economic impact of events of interest.
Annual Basis
Definition: The technique in statistics of taking a figure covering a period of less than one year and extrapolating it to cover a full one year period. The process is known as annualizing.
Definition: The technique in statistics of taking a figure covering a period of less than one year and extrapolating it to cover a full one year period. The process is known as annualizing.
Annual Cap
Definition: A limit on the amount of adjustment in the interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage over a twelve-month period. Also called cap, payment cap.
Definition: A limit on the amount of adjustment in the interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage over a twelve-month period. Also called cap, payment cap.