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Searched for Deposit Insurance National Bank (DINB)
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Deposit Insurance National Bank (DINB)
Definition: The Banking Act of 1933 authorized the FDIC to establish a "new" bank called a DINB to assume the insured deposits of a failed bank. Passage of the act permitted the FDIC to pay the depositors of a failed FDIC insured institution through a DINB, a national bank that was chartered with limited life and powers. Depositors of a DINB were given up to two years to move their insured accounts to other institutions. A DINB allowed a failed bank to be liquidated in an orderly fashion, minimizing disruption to local communities and financial markets.
Definition: The Banking Act of 1933 authorized the FDIC to establish a "new" bank called a DINB to assume the insured deposits of a failed bank. Passage of the act permitted the FDIC to pay the depositors of a failed FDIC insured institution through a DINB, a national bank that was chartered with limited life and powers. Depositors of a DINB were given up to two years to move their insured accounts to other institutions. A DINB allowed a failed bank to be liquidated in an orderly fashion, minimizing disruption to local communities and financial markets.